Deep Cleansing Oil 230ML
深層潔淨卸妝油 230毫升
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Japan's No.1 best-selling cleansing oil series, powerfully removes face & eye makeup and waterproof mascara. Contains rosehip oil and safflower oil to soften and smoothen the skin. The formula is also added with exfoliating ingredients which can deeply clean the pores.
日本No.1 熱賣卸粧油系列,強效卸除面部、眼部彩粧及防水型睫毛液。含有玫瑰果油和紅花油成分,促使肌膚柔軟光滑。配方更加入去除老角質的成份,深入清潔毛孔,倍感清爽。
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